News and Events

Programs and providers of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine are often the focus of news stories and features appearing in major national media. We invite you to review some stories that typify the breakthrough accomplishments of our remarkable team and highlight the impact our care has had on patient’s lives.

Living with Endometriosis: A 12-Year Journey

Dr. Eung-Mi Lee and Patient

For 12 years, Crystal Richardson went from doctor to doctor to understand what was causing the debilitating period pain she’d been living with since her late 20s. “I had very sharp pains during my period. It felt like my whole pelvic region was being squeezed,” says Crystal, who is now 40 and lives in Brooklyn with her 19-year-old daughter and partner. “It was excruciating.”

Over the years, Crystal’s pain became chronic. It was not uncommon for her to visit the emergency room for cortisone shots and pain medicine to ease the clenching feeling and tightness during her periods. Her menstrual flow was so heavy that she was anemic, making her fatigued, dizzy, and light-headed.

An appointment with gynecologic surgeon Dr. Eung-Mi Lee changed everything.

Read the full story here.

Study Backs RSV Vaccine Safety During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman receiving vaccine

The study, published on July 8 in JAMA Network Open, adds real-world evidence to the existing data from clinical trials about the safety of Pfizer’s Abrysvo vaccine. The researchers found that there wasn’t a significant statistical difference in preterm birth rates between vaccinated women (5.9 percent) and unvaccinated women (6.7 percent). 

What You Should Know About LGBTQ Family Planning

Same-sex couple playing with baby

If you’re in a same-sex or nontraditional gender relationship, having a biological child takes a little more planning than if you were in a heterosexual couple. The good news is that there are more options than ever for LGBTQ would-be parents to have the children they dream about.

“If you look at statistics today, the number of LGBTQ couples wanting children or who have children has risen from 40% to now almost 80%,” says Georges Sylvestre, M.D.assistant professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine. “It is much easier than it used to be, as more insurance plans cover artificial reproductive technology.”

Read the full story here.